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Massachusetts Stretch Code & Boston BERDO Consulting


Experts in Massachusetts Energy Code & Carbon Mandates

…so you don’t have to be.

Evolving energy codes and emissions-reduction mandates can add a layer of complexity to your projects. We can guide you through the requirements specific to Metro-Boston and throughout Massachusetts area to achieve compliance, incentives, and long-term sustainability goals.

Boston buildings

Programs we Support

Boston downtown streets near Old State House at sunset


Massachusetts Collaborative for High-Performance Schools (MA-CHPS) focuses on sustainable design and construction for educational facilities.

Green Communities Grant Program

Provides funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Massachusetts municipalities, including Boston

Article 37 of the Boston Zoning Code

Addresses sustainable design and energy efficiency requirements for large-scale projects


Encourages energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption in municipal facilities.


Building Emissions Reduction & Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO)

Boston Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO)

All existing multifamly buildings with more than 15 units, and all non-residential buildings over 20,000 square feet must comply with BERDO to meet Boston’s 2050 net zero goals.

We can help you meet the three cornerstones of compliance:


Our team can help you track and understand your building’s energy- and water-use annually.

Third-Party Verification

We work with utilities and benchmarking providers to correct energy consumption and reported building characteristics to ensure that the data you are using to drive your decisions is accurate.


We will partner with your team to develop a capital plan that integrates both short-term, low-cost interventions, as well as significant system upgrades for sustained impact and compliance with climate regulations.

Our targeted strategies will help you boost efficiency, lower energy costs, and ensure full compliance with climate regulations.

Total Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions in Boston